Current Projects

The first project being developed by Springfield Heritage Housing Inc. is Dugald Place Assisted Living Residence and Aquatic and Wellness Centre.

Dugald Place Assisted Living Residence and Aquatic and Wellness Centre is the current focus of SHHI as considerable work and planning were initiated by local community members from Dugald Place Non-Profit Housing Cooperative Ltd. over the last four years. 

Dugald Place will be located on the same campus as Dugald Estates Non-Profit Housing Co-operatifve Ltd., a 55+ independent living residence developed by Springfield Seniors Non-Profit Housing Co-op which opened in December of 2015.  

Dugald Place, a non-profit entity, allows the RM of Springfield to walk beside the community members involved in the project to help realize the shared vision of assisted living opportunities in the community.  

The establishment of SHHI ensures long term sustainability and accountability to the community.

Dugald Place Project Renderings

To view the full project gallery, please click here:  DUGALD PLACE PROJECT GALLERY