Careers with the Springfield Police Service

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There are currently no job opportunities with Springfield Police Service.

Police Vehicle

Recruitment with Springfield Police Service

The Springfield Police Service offers a lateral entry program to those individuals who are interested in continuing their policing career with the Springfield Police Service. To be eligible as a lateral entry candidate, an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a serving member of a Canadian police organization whose standards and training are comparable to those of the Springfield Police Service, as determined by the Springfield Police Recruiting/Human Resources.
  2. Be eligible for an honourable discharge from the police service of which they are a current member.
  3. Have a minimum of two years of continuous police experience.

Selection Process Summary…

Advancement through the selection process is dependent upon successfully completing each stage. Additionally, be aware that the application process is a competitive exercise. Your qualifications will be examined and measured against the all other applicants in the process to judge your overall competitiveness for selection.

     1.    Application evaluation: Applications are reviewed to ensure candidates meet the basic requirements and packages are complete. They are then evaluated against one another.

     2.    Selection of Long List: Approximately 5-10 candidates are chosen to continue the process.

     3.    Work-Related Education review : Candidates will be reviewed for desired qualifications

     4.    Physical Fitness Test: A high standard of physical fitness is required for employment with the Springfield Police Service. Candidates must successfully complete a Physical Ability Test. (IF REQUIRED TO DO SO)

     5.    Initial Interview

     6.    Selection of Short List: Approximately 2-5 candidates are chosen to continue the process.

     7.    Background Investigation: After a comprehensive background investigation on chosen Short List candidates (may include an interview and polygraph examination), All Long List candidates are notified.

     8.    Interview #2:Applicants may be requested to supply fingerprints at this time.

     9.    Final Selection: Candidate(s) approved for hiring is/are selected. ALL remaining candidates are notified.

Termination of Application Policy…

     1.    If a candidate’s application is terminated at any stage, due to competitive standards not being met, a new application is necessary to re-enter any future competition.

     2.  All paperwork submitted is the  property of the Springfield Police Service. Candidates’ applications may be terminated, without appeal, at any stage of the selection process due to the applicant’s inability to compete with other applicants.

Required Application Documents…

The Springfield Police Service selection process is an open competition that results in the best candidate(s) being offered employment. Be aware that all phases of the selection process are a competitive process. You are not only competing against the minimum standards but also against every applicant in the process. To initiate the selection process, you must complete and include all the following documents.

     1.    Application for Employment: This form must be completed in full, ensuring that you have dated and signed it.

     2.    Security clearance questionnaire:

     3.    Medical Clearance Form: A doctor, providing consent that you are medically fit to participate in a Physical Fitness evaluation must complete this form
(IF REQUIRED) please note you will notified if you have to complete this form

     4.    Consent to release personal or private information, waiver and release form.

     5.    Drivers Abstract: An original driver’s abstract obtained from the Motor Vehicles Branch office(s) dated not more than one month before the date of this application from each jurisdiction in which the person holds/held a driver’s license within the past three years. Fees may vary depending upon the agency. More than 6 demerits on your Manitoba license will disqualify your application.

     6.    Vision Report: An ophthalmologist or optometrist must complete a Vision Report. To facilitate the Optical Examination, contact lenses must not be worn for a 48-hour period prior to the examination.

     7.    Audio metric Report: If unable to have completed at time of application will be required before commencement of employment.

     8.    Photocopy of Birth Certificate OR Proof of Citizenship

     9.    Photocopy of Grade XII or G.E.D. Diploma and marks: Include a photocopy of transcript of Grade XII or G.E.D. marks.

    10. Training transcript previous police service-: lateral applicants only


Applications that do not contain all of the above will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted. Related costs will be incurred by the applicant.

Completed applications should be either mailed or hand delivered to the following address:

Springfield Police Service

Box 57  -  686 Main Street, Oakbank, Manitoba. R0E 1J0

Questions can be answered by calling the Springfield Police Service administration phone line at: (204) 444-4308, Monday-Friday 8:30am -5:00pm (excluding stat holidays)

Forms below to be used for the application process.

Some of the following forms are contained in the application but the Vision, Hearing and Fitness assessment form are not. These forms are here to remind you they are required to be physically signed by the applicant only. ( NO DIGITAL SIGNATURE WILL BE ACCEPTED )

They are here so you do not have to print of the entire application just to sign them.