Private Wells

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Private Wells

Outside of the Public Water Supply Systems in Anola, Dugald and Oakbank, remaining Municipal residences and businesses rely primarily on private wells for their supply of water.

It is the responsibility of the private well owner to carry out a regular program of well maintenance to ensure well safety and understand well water quality. Taking care of your well is a three-step process:

  1. Protect your well water at the ground surface by avoiding, eliminating, or reducing contaminants.
  2. Inspect your well regularly and keep your well in good running order.
  3. Test your well water regularly and respond to water quality problems.

As a well owner, it is your responsibility to protect groundwater by being informed and Well Aware, click below to read more!

Manitoba Well Aware

Province of Manitoba Groundwater Well Act CCSM G110

Well Water Testing

The province recommends testing wells and cistern water for the presence of bacteriological contaminants at least once a year. Preferably, the sample should be taken when the system is most vulnerable to contamination, e.g., during spring melt or following a period of heavy rainfall. Additional testing should be conducted if the well or cistern has been affected by flooding or if there is a noticeable change in the water’s taste, colour, odour, or clarity.

Private surface water systems should not be used for drinking unless you are absolutely certain the water has been properly filtered, disinfected, and ongoing water testing has demonstrated that the water is safe to drink. If you are consuming treated surface water, as a minimum, a water test should be conducted every change of season and following any maintenance completed on the treatment system.

Private Well Water Systems - Assessing Bacteriological Contamination Risk 

Water Sampling

Sample bottles and request forms are available at the Water and Waste Department Offices (Unit 2 27055 Oakwood Road, Oakbank) for ALS Environmental Lab, Central Testing Labs and Horizon Labs Ltd. for pickup Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 4:30pm (closed between 12:00 & 1:00 daily and closed at 3:30 on Fridays).

Residents can choose which water testing lab they would like to go to which vary in price and location, below are several options: 

ALS Environmental

(204) 255-9720

12-1329 Niakwa Road E.

Winnipeg MB R2J 3T4

Central Testing Lab 

(204) 237-9128

Unit 9 – 851 Lagimodiere Blvd

Winnipeg MB R2J 3K4

Horizon Lab Ltd.

(204) 488-2035

4055 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg MB R3K 2E8

Private Well Fact Sheets

Click below for useful information about how to:

  • Reduce the risk of well water contamination
  • Test well water for bacteria
  • Disinfect a well – partial chlorination method
  • Disinfect a well – full chlorination method
  • Understanding your well water bacteria results

Manitoba Private Well Fact Sheet

Provincial water well fact sheets and educational videos on well testing, well disinfection, and how to reduce well water contamination are available at under “Public Information”.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Manitoba Office of Drinking Water:

  • General inquiries, (204) 945-5762
  • Technical inquiries and guidance specifically related to private wells, (204) 948-1351