Municipal Groundwater

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The RM of Springfield received its name due to the presence of multiple natural springs found within its borders. 

Surface water bodies and rivers present within the Municipal boundaries are not capable of meeting regional domestic water demands; as such Springfield relies entirely on local groundwater resources to meet all of its domestic, commercial and industrial water needs both private and public. 

The relative abundance of groundwater and the high level of reliance on the resource highlights the importance of active management and planning strategies within the RM. 

As part of an effort to ensure sustainable and reliable groundwater for the Municipality, the Municipality undertook several studies over the last decade studying and analyzing the underlying groundwater aquifers, their characteristics and properties as well as studies and planning reports as related to the development of the Anola, Dugald and Oakbank municipal water supplies.

The available public reports are available below, downloadable in PDF Format:

Groundwater Supply Investigation – Communities of Oakbank and Dugald, Manitoba

Municipal Groundwater Planning Study

Rural Municipality of Springfield  Drinking Water Management Plan

Supplemental Municipal Groundwater Supply - May 2019 Full Report

Supplemental Municipal Groundwater Supply - May 2019 Excerpts

Aquifer Capability and Groundwater Vulnerability in the Rural Municipality of Springfield