Fire Inspections
By request or by complaint (204) 444-3321
Fire Inspections - Who, What, When, Where and Why
The Springfield Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) have established a comprehensive Fire Inspection Program to ensure compliance of occupancies and businesses in the municipality.
Mandatory regular inspections of licensed facilities and restaurants, daycares and schools, commercial occupancies ranging from Hi Hazards "F1's" such as dust producing processes, paint and spray facilities, bulk storage facilities to "A" occupancies, seniors housing and care facilities, churches and other gathering places are undertaken as well as per regulations from the Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC).
Schedules are in place ensuring all mandatory inspections are carried out and recorded as well as many additional occupancies not mandated by the OFC. Inspection history records are kept, and all follow up inspection procedures are undertaken ensuring all original inspections are followed up for compliance. The SFRS works closely with the RM of Springfield Planning Department ensuring changes in occupancies are monitored and compliant.