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Planning Department

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The Planning Department is located at 686 Main Street, Oakbank.

Contact Us:
Phone: (204) 444-3824
Fax: (204) 444-7440.

Hours of Operation:
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m Monday to Friday.

Planning matters are presented to Council on the 4th Thursday of each month 6:00 p.m. (generally but subject to some scheduling changes)

Planning Staff:

Business License Application

Brochures and Miscellaneous Forms

Building Application Forms - If you are not the land owner, a letter of Authorization will be required

Part 9 Permits - 3 storeys or less, have a building area less than 600m2 and have major occupancies classified as Group C (residential), D (office / service), E (retail), or F-2, F-3 (medium- and low-hazard industrial).

Part 3 Permit - all structures in excess of 600 m2, structures in excess of three stories, and assembly occupancies. Post disaster buildings. Major occupancies of Group A, Group B, or Group F1.

Electronically filled forms can be sent to Christina Discher - Building Technician

Planning Applications