The Municipal Water Systems Group operates two Municipal Water Systems within the Municipality. The systems are managed and operated by the Water and Waste Department and are regulated by the Public Utilities Board (PUB) of Manitoba (finance) and the Manitoba Office of Drinking Water (technical).
Collectively, the Department oversees;
3 Water Treatment Plants;
- 3 Raw Groundwater Sources;
- 15+ kilometers of raw water pipelines,
- 40+ kilometers of treated water distribution piping; and
- Over 1,350 water service connections;
Oakbank and Dugald Public Water System
The Oakbank and Dugald Public Water System operates under Public Water System License Number: PWS-09-332-02 as a Class 1 Facility and provides treated drinking water to approximately 3,600 residents.
There are 4 wells located within the Municipality that ensure that Oakbank and Dugald residents have an ample water supply. 2 wells installed northwest of Oakbank and drilled into the Moosenose Aquifer feed the Oakbank Water Treatment Plant.
2 wells installed east of Dugald and drilled into the Sandstone Aquifer feed the Dugald Water Treatment Plant. A treated water pipeline between the Oakbank and Dugald Water Treatment Plants ensure that a constant and reliable supply of water is produced and available to each community.
The Oakbank Water Treatment Plant treatment process involves Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection and chlorination prior to being sent to the distribution system.
The Dugald Water Treatment Plant treatment process involves blending of Oakbank treated water and Dugald raw water followed by chlorination prior to being sent to the distribution system. System pressure is maintained at 65psi (449KPa) at the Reservoir(s).
Operations Staff for the Oakbank and Dugald Public Water System take great pride in ensuring the Municipality’s water meets all health and aesthetic objectives, which are regulated by the Province of Manitoba and the Office of Drinking Water (ODW).
Anola Public Water System
The Anola Public Water System operates under Public Water System License Number: PWS-09-322-02 and provides treated drinking water to approximately 166 residents.
2 wells installed southeast of the Water Treatment Plant and drilled into the Sandstone Aquifer feed the Water Treatment Plant.
The Anola Water Treatment Plant treatment process involves Greensand Filtration and Chlorination prior to being sent to the distribution system. System pressure is maintained at 65psi (449KPa) at the Reservoir.
Operations Staff for the Anola Public Water System take great pride in ensuring the Municipality’s water meets all health and aesthetic objectives, which are regulated by the Province of Manitoba and the Office of Drinking Water (ODW).
Both Public Water Systems are operated and overseen by 6 Certified Water System Operators.
Every year, the Rural Municipality of Springfield is required by law to submit a report to the Province of Manitoba that details our water treatment process, certification of operators and any major disruptions to the system.
Oakbank Water Treatment Plant
Public Water System Annual Report